Paper Development Workshop (PDW): The wor kshop will be held in in a r oundtable discussion format. Only the authors of selected papers from the conference will be invited to participate in this workshop. Roundtable Discussion: The theme is r elated to Endogeneity and endogenous theorizing in African context. The invited speakers will be prominent researchers and practitioners in this field. The names of invited speakers will be posted on the website indue time.

Workshop: The associated topic is “The impact of digitalization in Africa”. The participants will be CIOs of various institutions in African countries, experts in the digital transformation field, academia and decision makers. The invited speakers will be prominent researchers and practitioners in this field. The names of invited speakers will be posted on the website in due time.

Paper presentation: All accepted papers will be grouped in several panels for their presentation. Each panel will be chaired by a scientific committee member, The chair for each panel will be known before the conference. This information will be available on the website of the conference. At least one author should confirm participation at the conference for it to appear in the proceedings and be programmed in a panel for presentation.

Industry Symposium: We welcome contr ibutions fr om industr y pr actitioner sand researchers collaborating closely with the industry in ICT4D. We encourage the submitters to share their experiences and disseminate their results of applying, evaluating or assessing the current practice, adopting and evaluating new methods, practices or technologies, and gathering local or contextual evidence in real industrial settings. This track provides an opportunity for industry practitioners and researchers to exchange new ideas and develop new collaborations