National Supervision of Cameroon Universities’ Network and Digital Developement Center – Yaounde
The national center for inter-university network supervision and university digital development is a key component in the digital transformation of Cameroon’s higher education ecosystem. This center is connected to 9 university digital development centers, giving a proud image of the new university governance based on the triptych of quality assurance, employability and professionalization. This technological infrastructure not only enables the adoption and implementation of Education 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 within Cameroonian universities, but also enables teaching researchers to focus much more on research activities, which now occupy ¾ of their available academic and university time. With this in mind, the national center will host the sixth edition of the international conference on the development of Africa through information and communication technologies. It’s an opportunity for researchers from all over the world to appreciate the technological advances of Cameroon’s higher education system. The center will offer researchers three rooms for workshops, a smart room for committee work, and a smart room for videoconferences and plenary sessions.